Class #6
Slides below… Jon
News of the Week; February 20, 2019
DIGITAL The U.S. is About to Hit Facebook With a Multi-Billion Dollar Fine: It could be the largest tech fine in history. Facebook may face multi-billion dollar fine for Cambridge Analytica scandal Facebook is a law-breaking “digital gangster,” UK government report says It’s time for a “radical shift in the balance of power between the […]
News of the Week; February 13, 2019
DIGITAL Just when an end seemed near, two 3D-printed gun-file legal battles get new life Change how Facebook uses our data: Scandals underscore the need to regulate use of customers’ information Our Thoughts on Facebook’s Oversight Board for Content Decisions How Facebook Screwed Us All: It’s not just spreading phony stories everywhere – it’s killing […]
News of the Week; February 6, 2019
DIGITAL The Atlantic’s Taylor Lorenz: Facebook is irrelevant to Gen-Z Sheryl Sandberg: The Teens ‘Consented’ to Putting Facebook Spyware on Their Phones Facebook Bans Armed Rebel Groups in Myanmar Facebook nukes hundreds of “inauthentic” accounts “tied to Iran” Mark Zuckerberg still thinks Facebook has made the world better The Tortured Case for Deleting Instagram NY […]
Class #5
Slides below…Note that because the slides were too big to uploaded (even with pictures compressed) I’ve removed some of the extra materials that you/ve seen before (numerous times). See you after mid-term break. Jon
News of the Week; January 30, 2019
DIGITAL Fake news on Twitter during the 2016 U.S. presidential election (Nir Grinberg, Kenneth Joseph, Lisa Friedland, Briony Swire-Thompson, David Lazer) Older, right-leaning Twitter users spread the most fake news in 2016, study finds Emma Best’s New Transparency Project Targets Russian Leaks She Says Wikileaks Refuses To Touch Chinese Court Creates App To Alert Citizens […]
In Advance of Monday’s Talk
Hi all, I’ve signed up to present on my media phenomena this Monday, Feb. 4th. In advance of my presentation, I feel it is pertinent to read the following: First, a letter by Steve Albini from the 1990’s about record labels. And secondly, the following infographic on Streaming sales numbers Thanks, Jake