- Data shows who was reading “fake news” before 2016 US election
- Spanish Government Moves Ahead With First ‘Fake News’ Prosecution
- Reddit Cofounder Steve Huffman Calls TikTok “Spyware” That’s “Fundamentally Parasitic”
- How Information on the Coronavirus is Managed on Chinese Social Media
- How Hackers and Spies Could Sabotage the Coronavirus Fight: Intelligence services have a long history of manipulating information on health issues, and an epidemic is especially tempting for interference.
- Turns Out Most People Still Don’t Hate ‘Big Internet’ As Much As Politicians And The Media Want Them To
- Defeating Tech Giants With Open Protocols, Interoperability, And Shared Stewardship
- Did Apple throttle your iPhone? Settlement will give you a whopping $25
- Apple can’t break up with China, Wall Street Journal report argues
- It’s not just ‘big tech’ that should be wary of regulatory changes
- Everyone agrees: Facebook, Twitter should block disinfo—but probably won’t
- 8chan Founder, Who Has Denounced The Site, Now Facing ‘Criminal Cyberlibel’ Charges From Current Owner
- Facebook Gives Thumbs Up to Sponsored Content by Politicians
- Facebook Announces Restrictions on Coronavirus-Related Ads
- Facebook Messenger is getting a much simpler new design: Chatbots and games are gone as part of a broader streamlining of Messenger
- Who’s Afraid of the IRS? Not Facebook.: Social media behemoth is about to face off with the tax agency in a rare trial. But onerous budget cuts have hamstrung the agency’s ability to bring the case.
- Facebook Files Anti-SLAPP Motion Against Defunct App Developer Who Sued Over Revamp Of Facebook’s App Platform
- Facebook cancels F8 conference over coronavirus fears
- Facebook denies reports it is backing away from Libra cryptocurrency
- Cisco: Avoid coronavirus, stay home, use Webex
- Google cancels I/O developer conference amid coronavirus concerns
- Fantasy Baseball Players Sue MLB, Houston Astros, and Boston Red Sox
- Twitter’s New Investor Wants To Replace CEO Jack Dorsey
- Twitter’s newest major investor wants to oust CEO Jack Dorsey
- Twitter Introduces ‘Fleets,’ Its Years-Late Version Of The Stories Format
- Twitter is testing ephemeral tweets in Brazil and calling them ‘fleets’: Snapchat Stories finally arrive on Twitter
- Snapchat’s Speed Filter Protected by Section 230–Lemmon v. Snap (Eric Goldman)
- Defendants Keep Getting Arbitration Despite the Anarchy in Online Contract Formation Doctrine (Eric Goldman)
- YouTube Isn’t a State Actor (DUH)–PragerU v. Google (Eric Goldman)
- Yelp Finally Defeats a False Advertising Lawsuit Over Its Review Functionality–Demetriades v. Yelp (Eric Goldman)
- Pricing and the online channel
- Microsoft expects to miss Q3 targets due to coronavirus: Supply chain returning to normal at a “slower pace than anticipated”
- Amazon Removes More Than One Million Products for Inflated Prices or False Coronavirus Claims
- Amazon’s New Grocery Store Is Watching Our Every Move. But We Asked For This.
- Making History at Amazon: If they can disrupt the supply chain, Amazon workers could transform an industry that constitutes one of the commanding heights of the twenty-first-century economy.
- Tech firms push telework as Amazon employee confirmed with coronavirus
- Quibi Closes $750 Millon Round, Bringing Total Funds Raised To $1.75 Billion
- Quibi Closes Upsized $750 Million Second Round of Funding for Mobile-Video Launch
- LinkedIn tests Stories feature to be like Snapchat too: Even LinkedIn is copying Snapchat now.
- Supreme Court Decides Intel Corporation Investment Policy Committee v. Sulyma
- Food Delivery Drivers Open to Unionization – Expanding Labour Relations to E-commerce
- How e-commerce platforms get drawn into global war on counterfeit goods
- Mind the Wrapping: Ensuring the Validity of Online Agreements
- Can YouTube Quiet Its Conspiracy Theorists?
- YouTube’s Plan to Stop Recommending Conspiracy Theory Videos Is Actually Working
- YouTube Is Considering Letting Creators Sell Their Own Ads
- YouTube May Allow Content Creators to Sell Ad Space on their Own Videos
- BTS Shatters Record For Biggest YouTube ‘Premiere’ With 1.54 Million Concurrent Viewers
- Meghan Rienks Says Her Channel Has Been Hacked, Rebranded For 2 Months Amid Idle Response From YouTube
- YouTube Rolls Out Kids App To 11 More Countries
- YouTube TV Is Dropping YES Network, Fox Sports Networks
- After 109,000 Video Removal Appeals Last Quarter, YouTube Says It Reinstated 22%
- YouTube’s New Subscriber Notification Metrics Show Creators Exactly How Many Are (And Aren’t) Sent Per Upload
- Top 50 Most Viewed YouTube Channels Worldwide • Week Of 3/02/2020
- FX launches on Hulu, offering over 40 shows and originals`
- Netflix Takes The Stage With First-Ever Live Comedy Festival Featuring Wanda Sykes, Jane Fonda, David Letterman, More
- Vine Successor ‘Byte’ To Launch Pooled Monetization Program On April 15
- Abrams Artists Signs TikTok Stars Avani Gregg, Andre Swilley, And Tayler Holder
- Chipotle Says Its #Boorito TikTok Campaign Got 3.9 Billion Views In 4 Months. But What Exactly Does TikTok Count As A “View”?
- TikTok Owner ByteDance Launches Resso App in India, Taking on Spotify
- MTV’s New Digital Series Sees Sneaker Influencers Compete In Customization Battles
- FTC Guidelines: Possible Civil Penalties to Deter Deceptive Influencer Marketing
- The Influencer Industry: Constructing and Commodifying Authenticity on Social Media (Emily Hund)
- Actor Steven Seagal Settles With SEC Over Improper Endorsements
- Emma Chamberlain Unveils Reimagined Podcast With Broader Focus: ‘Anything Goes’
- Casey Neistat Joins Advisory Board For Social Stock Market Investment Startup ‘Public’
- New Platform Taki Lets Digital Creators Share Their Skills With Fans Through Custom Commissioned Videos (Exclusive)
- Spotify tries making its app easier to use in latest update
- Kevin Hart’s LOL Forges Multi-Year Deal With ‘Advertising Week’ For Podcast, Branded Studio, Event Integrations
- Yelp Names And Shames Business Buying Reviews
- Endeavor Invests In Latest $13 Million Round For Creator Marketplace ‘Tongal’
- PetNet ‘Smart’ Pet Feeders Go Offline For A Week, Customer Service Completely Breaks Down
- Bernie Sanders Captures Commanding Social Video Lead Among Democratic Hopefuls
- Bogus Automated Copyright Claims By CBS Blocked Super Tuesday Speeches By Bernie Sanders, Mike Bloomberg, And Joe Biden
- European Commission’s communication on the European digital agenda: shaping Europe’s digital future
- Maryland hearing on Digital Advertising Tax highlights problems, hints at amendments
- The Evolution of E-Money: What Is In A Definition?
- Regulators Unveil Guidance On Best Practices for Internet Vehicle Sales
- The pope’s plan to fight back against evil AI: The Vatican’s interest in artificial intelligence isn’t new, but pay attention to the tech companies that are joining along.
- AI has no personality: EPO rules that an AI machine cannot be an inventor in patent applications
- How do you keep an AI’s behavior from becoming predictable?
- Bringing Washington D.C. to life: The AI of The Division 2
- Big Data promises better deals. But for whom?
- AI Outlook: Europe initiates AI regulation introducing the principle of trustworthy AI
- European Commission Unveils Bold European Approach to AI Regulation
- SEC Issues Guidance on International Intellectual Property and Technology Risks
- Ars Technicast special edition, part 3: Putting AI to work defending your stuff
- Chinese Hospitals Deploy AI to Help Diagnose Covid-19
- Machine Learning Patentability in 2019: 5 Cases Analyzed and Lessons Learned Part 3
- Two New California Laws Tackle Deepfake Videos in Politics and Porn
- Patenting Artificial Intelligence and quantum technologies
- Social work thinking for UX and AI design
- OPC Consults on Regulation of Artificial Intelligence
- New entry in commercial quantum computing, using entirely different tech
- Ontario’s Record Breaking, Multi-Billion Dollar Film Production Year: “A Healthy Balance Between Domestic and Foreign Production” (Michael Geist)
- The CUSMA Culture Poison Pill: Why the Broadcast Panel Report Could Lead to Millions in Tariff Retaliation (Michael Geist)
- Clarence Thomas Regrets Brand X Decision That Paved Way For The Net Neutrality Wars
- FCC issues wrist-slap fines to carriers that sold your phone-location data
- FCC To Dole Out Some Dainty Wrist Slaps For Wireless Carrier Location Data Scandals
- T-Mobile Cares So Much About Consumer Privacy, It’s Fighting The FCC’s Flimsy Fine For Location Data Sharing
- Right On Cue, Post-Merger T-Mobile Layoffs Begin
- T-Mobile conducts layoffs as it prepares to complete Sprint merger
- DOJ Sues Telecommunications Operators Over Robocalls
- New Charges Leveled Against Huawei, et al.
- Congress gives small ISPs $1 billion to rip out Huawei, ZTE network gear
- Many of Cable TV’s Dumbest Habits Will Make The Leap To Streaming
- AT&T’s new online TV has contracts, hidden fees, big 2nd-year price hike
- Struggling AT&T plans “tens of billions” in cost cuts, more layoffs
- FCC Proposes Over $200 Million in Fines Against “Big 4” Carriers for Failing to Protect Consumer Location Data
- FCC chair reportedly seeks fines for carrier sharing of location data
- FCC Adopts Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Looking to Allow Higher Power and Greater Height for Unlicensed White Space Devices Operating in the TV Bands
- Old Media Content – Not Dead Yet
- Telemedicine and the Coronavirus Crisis: Key Legal Issues for Providers to Consider
- Can someone copyright every possible melody? (Andres Guadamuz)
- Simple Solutions Simply Don’t Suffice to Solve the Slew of Song Infringement Substantial Similarity Suits
- Castillo v. G&M Realty L.P.: 2nd Circuit affirms $6.75 million damages against property owner for painting over graffiti art at 5Pointz exhibition, ruling that works were protected under Visual Artists Rights Act of 1990.
- Second Circuit Affirms $6.7M VARA Judgment for Aerosol Artists
- United Kingdom: Court of Appeal Clarifies When a Work is a Product of Joint Authorship
- Netflix argues ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ has become a generic term
- Netflix Seeks Cancellation Of “Choose Your Own Adventure” Trademark
- Court Dismisses Author’s Claim that TV Series “Billions” Copied Her Work – No Substantial Similarity Under Any Applicable Test
- The Vatican Apostolic Library enters the digital age – and promptly asserts copyright
- Bobby Brown’s Claims for the Use of His Name and Likeness Not His Prerogative
- Copyright Registration – A Prerequisite to a Copyright Infringement Suit
- Landmark ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on Digital Exhaustion in the Tom Kabinet Case
- Clash of IP and competition to pharma’s detriment? The CJEU’s decision in the GSK case
- Google v. Oracle – Copyright Battle of the Tech Titans
- Breaking Down the Briefing in Google v. Oracle: Petitioner’s Brief
- Four major factors at play in the Google-Oracle IP rights dispute
- U.S. Copyright Office: Renewal of DMCA Designated Agent Required for DMCA Safe Harbor
- Fifth Circuit Tosses Statutory Damages Award, Reinforcing the Importance of Early Copyright Registration
- Geo-blocking of copyright protected content: The elephant in the room
- Copyright: protection of designs as copyright works
- Who Owns the Copyright? Work-Made-For-Hire Edition
- Move to terminate Paramount Decrees may effect IP in the film industry
- UK confirms withdrawal from the Unitary Patent
- The UK will not be part of the UPC, Prime Minster’s Office confirms to IAM
- The European unified patent court – a Brexit casualty?
- Federal Court of Appeal remands REMICADE new use patent decision on anticipation and obviousness
- A Practical Guide to the transition to Canada’s new Patent Act and Rules
- Music – First Sale Doctrine, Fair Use and Protectability
- Key Estate Planning Considerations for Individuals with IP (Part I: Introduction & Copyrights)
- The Past and Future of Canada’s Criminalization of Trade Secret Theft – Part I
- The Past and Future of Canada’s Criminalization of Trade Secret Theft – Part II
- Intellectual Property Outlook: Cases and Trends to Follow in 2020 – PART 3
- Banking on Intellectual Property | Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Banking
- Millennium and Janssen seek leave from Supreme Court in Section 8 bortezomib case
- Architects’ copyright
- The Future of Patent Research
- Senator Thom Tillis Pushed Awful Patent Reform Idea Last Year; Now Looks To Top It With Awful Copyright Reform This Year
- State Actors Are Increasingly Targeting Journalists With Surveillance Malware
- “We Don’t Have Any Specific Analysis”: CUSMA Negotiators Surprising Admission On Key Privacy Issues (Michael Geist)
- HTTPS for all: Let’s Encrypt reaches one billion certificates issued
- Hoping To Combat ISP Snooping, Mozilla Enables Encrypted DNS
- State Court Says It Isn’t Theft To Remove An Unmarked Law Enforcement Tracking Device From Your Car
- FBI And DOJ Personnel Confirm Agents Frequently Fudge Facts When Seeking FISA Warrants
- From Wi-Fi to Spy-Fi—we test Plume’s new motion detection feature
- Should Antitrust Laws Tackle Privacy Issues? DOJ and State AGs Continue Google Investigations in Response to Privacy Concerns
- No, Google Isn’t Hiding Elizabeth Warren’s Emails To Promote Mayor Pete
- Disruptionware II – The “Cyber Terminator” and What This New Threat Means to You and Your Data
- How a hacker’s mom broke into prison—and the warden’s computer
- Documents Show Clearview Is Selling Facial Recognition Tech To Retailers, Fitness Centers, And Human Rights Violators
- More than 2,200 agencies and companies have tried Clearview, report finds
- Clearview Is Handing Out Access To Dozens Of UK Entities, Setting Up Accounts For Congressional Reps
- ‘Consumer Privacy Act’ Introduced in the Land of Lincoln
- The Washington Privacy Act Is Back
- Stealing advanced nations’ Mac malware isn’t hard. Here’s how one hacker did it
- Year in Review: Federal Privacy Enforcement Summarized
- The Year of Record Penalties: The Federal Trade Commission’s 2019 Privacy & Data Security Update
- 2019 Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Year in Review
- What’s scarier than hosts gone rogue? Westworld’s idea for privacy laws
- I Wish More Countries ‘Stole’ Our Movies
- Sixth Circuit: Criticizing Refs Is Protected Speech, Even If Lots Of Sports Fans Are A-holes
- Court Dismisses Defamation Claim Against Crain Communications
- The Law Doesn’t Care About Your Feelings: 9th Circuit Slams Prager University For Its Silly Lawsuit Against YouTube
- Trump Campaign Files Laughably Stupid SLAPP Suit Over A NY Times Opinion Piece
- Another Day, Another Bogus SLAPP Suit From Devin Nunes And Steven Biss
- Watchdog Group Asks Congressional Ethics Office To Investigate How Devin Nunes Is Paying For His Many SLAPP Suits
- Shia LaBeouf Walks Into a Bar . . . And Ends Up Losing an Anti-Slapp Motion
- NY Times Political Reporter Believes Telling Right From Wrong Is Beyond His Job Description; He’s Wrong
- Mamadou Sakho allege that WADA is liable for negligence and defamation
- Why the Success of The New York Times May Be Bad News for Journalism: Our new media columnist says The Times has become like Facebook or Google – a digital behemoth crowding out the competition.
- NBCUniversal Fined €14.3 Million as European Commission Completes Trilogy of Sales Restriction Cases
- Unpaid Interns and a Lunch Order Gone Bad: Jury Returns FLSA Retaliation Verdict Against Martina McBride’s Production Company
- Hollywood Action Star Settles SEC Charges for Failing to Disclose ICO Promotion Payments
- The Tail of the Phillie Phanatic – The Hidden Underbelly of the New-Look Mascot
- U.S. Immigration Considerations for Media and Entertainment Industries
- Plague Inc. pulled from Chinese App Store over ‘illegal’ content
- Pandemic simulation game Plague Inc. pulled from iOS App Store in China
- Statement on The Removal of Plague Inc. From the China App Store
- Plague Inc. pulled from Chinese App Store: Developer Ndemic Creations says outbreak simulation game removed because it “includes content that is illegal in China”
- China Bans ‘Plague Inc.’ Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
- Zynga faces class action lawsuit over 2019 data breach
- Zynga faces class action lawsuit over data breach: Plaintiffs warn that millions of users, including minors, will be at risk of fraud and identity theft “for years to come”
- Grand Theft Auto cheat software; an infringement story
- FaZe Clan Indefinitely Suspends Fortnite Star ‘Dubs’ For On-Stream Racial Slur
- Smaller devs say they won’t back Stadia due to a lack of incentives
- Google Stadia Lacks Games In Its Library, Isn’t Shelling Out For New Games
- Modus Games’ narrative puzzler Lost Words becomes ‘First on Stadia’ exclusive
- Google picks California as the home for its second Stadia studio
- Stadia opens new studio in Playa Vista: Ex-Sony Santa Monica head Shannon Studstill will oversee a team creating exclusive games for Google’s streaming service
- The Division 2 is headed to Stadia this month with PC cross-play
- Real Property Dispute in a Virtual World
- Hinterland Studio pulls The Long Dark from Nvidia GeForce Now
- Nvidia didn’t ask permission to host The Long Dark on GeForce Now, says dev: Hinterland Studio becomes third game company to pull its content from fledgling streaming service
- New publisher Ziggurat Interactive to revive dormant IP for PC and console: Company has access to over 140 titles from as far back the ’80s, first three games revealed
- Why Destiny 2 is leaving cosmetic loot boxes behind and working to balance ‘FOMO’
- China and Asia show their influence over the top grossing mobile games: Sensor Tower’s data for January 2020 underlines the commanding role Asian markets play in the global games industry
- NetEase revenue and profits ride high on the back of diverse portfolio: World of Warcraft Classic drives WoW subscribers to record heights in China
- Improbable’s losses rose 65% last year to £63.7 million: But SpatialOS developer says accounts do not reflect “major changes” that have taken place in the last nine months
- Echo Fox admits to defamation charge in settlement: Esports organization agrees former general partner Rick Fox made false statements that harmed a co-founder and investor
- FIFA pro is “done” after server issues force Rock, Paper, Scissors decision
- FIFA 20 esports qualifiers decided by Rock, Paper, Scissors when players can’t connect: Another pro defaulted after he was unable to connect for three hours
- EA is working with FIFA 20 players to test and fix connectivity issues
- Torque Esports to operate Overwatch Collegiate League: Participating schools to compete for $40,000 in esports scholarships
- Twitch To Surpass 40 Million Monthly U.S. Viewers Next Year, Report Finds
- My.Games annual revenue spikes by 23% to $474m: Top-performing franchise Warface surpasses 85 million registered users
- Roblox closes $150m funding round: Investment lead Andreessen Horowitz also tenders $350 million minority stake offer
- Kwalee and the power of profit sharing: Pocketing the extra cash would have a “detrimental effect on the success of the company” says CEO David Darling
- Games firms “have to be ready” to support employees with mental health issues: Safe In Our World’s Kim Parker-Adcock offers advice on how to cultivate a more understanding work environment
- Six ways video game composers are missing out on money: Video game music is more accessible than ever before, but a lack of business knowledge among composers means money is being left on the table
- UK Charts: Two Point Hospital debuts at No.2 – Call of Duty Modern Warfare returns to No.1
- Free-to-play PS4 and PC game Let it Die surpasses 6 million downloads
- Pokerist maker KamaGames grows revenue 18% to $90.4 million in 2019
- Mobile studio FunCraft nets $1.8 million to push into casual market
- What does $1M in Steam sales look like? Academia: School Simulator case study
- GOG will now refund games within 30 days, even if they’ve been played
- Labworks secures £500,000 investment for voice game subscription service: “The new service will be designed to cater for both gamers and the needs of wider sectors such as education and the visually impaired community”
- TinyBuild and Guts & Glory dev HakJak open new studio in Idaho
- TinyBuild opening new Boise studio with Guts and Glory developer: Former solo dev Jed “HakJak” Steen will build a team to make “a world-class emergent gameplay IP”
- Tilting Point acquires Star Trek Timelines from Disruptor Beam
- Tilting Point buys Star Trek Timelines from Disruptor Beam; Key team members will join Tilting Point to operate Timelines as Wicked Realms Games
- Phoenix Games acquires Romanian live-ops company Studio Firefly
- Zordix acquires mobile dev Invictus Games
- Zordix acquires Invictus Games: Swedish publisher doubles in size with addition of Hungarian mobile developer
- Blastlands: Team Combat dev Strange Quest is closing down
- Next-gen will be “tectonic plates” shifting underneath marketers: Behaviour’s new chief marketer officer David Reid talks about how much the strategy of selling games has changed and the future of streaming
- Designing the end of all Longing: Studio Seufz’s Anselm Pyta talks about his 400-day exploration/idle game, and the importance of time, empathy, and endings
- Spellbreak beta stands out from the copycat battle royale crowd
- GDC 2020 postponed: Organizers now intend to host a show in the summer after health concerns prompt numerous participants to drop out
- GDC postponed to later in 2020 amid coronavirus cancellations [Updated]
- Unity pulls out of GDC as coronavirus “presents too much risk”: Engine provider will no longer exhibit, plans to showcase its GDC content online
- Amazon, Blizzard withdraw from GDC: Novel coronavirus concerns keeps more big names away from next month’s conference
- The ESA is ‘actively assessing’ new COVID-19 info, but says E3 is still on
- ESA moves ahead with E3 2020 despite coronavirus concerns – Update: Los Angeles declares state of emergency, E3 team “actively assessing” the situation
- CCP calls off EVE Fanfest event over coronavirus concerns
- Baldur’s Gate 3 gameplay reveal: A huge leap past THAC0, early access in 2020
- Nvidia switches GTC 2020 to online conference amid coronavirus concerns: Chip maker scraps in-person event due to take place in San Jose this month
- Epic cancels Unreal Fest Europe 2020 due to coronavirus concerns
- Epic cancels Unreal Fest Europe: Following its withdrawal from GDC 2020, engine provider scraps its own event due to “uncertainty around health concerns and travel”
- GamesFirst London 2020 and Google I/O cancelled: Organizers pull plug on events citing novel coronavirus concerns
- Industry rallies to offer relief after GDC cancellation: Publishers, developers and trade bodies collaborate to raise funds for financially-stricken attendees
- Final Fantasy VII Remake demo finally gets official, free release [Updated]
- PlatinumGames: The Wonderful 101 Kickstarter wasn’t about the money – “We thought it would be a good opportunity to bring the fans together — to unite them — and gauge interest,” says executive director Atsushi Inaba
- Autistica Play launches inclusive game jam: Charity hopes to show how games can be used to raise awareness and funds for research into the challenges autistic people face
- The Great Divide: A look at Africa’s very different dev scenes – Creators discuss what separates the continent’s South and North from its East and West, and what unifies them
- Iran video games timeline: from 1970 to 2019
- War Stories: How Crash Bandicoot hacked the original PlayStation
- Blog: Programming visual effects for Lightmatter
- Blog: Designing the perfect video game tutorial
- Blog: The secret AI testers inside The Division 22
- Don’t Miss: How Game Freak designs the iconic monsters of Pokemon
- Don’t Miss: Using the language of film & theater to entice new players in FMV game Erica
- Don’t Miss: Reflections on the afterimage of Final Fantasy VII
- Don’t Miss: Why multiplayer almost didn’t make it into Halo: Combat Evolved
- Don’t Miss: Defining direction, writing, art and music on Yakuza 4
- Video: Procedural level design in XCOM 2
- Video: Understanding the illusion of choice in game design
- Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima to receive BAFTA Fellowship award
- Control and Death Stranding lead BAFTA Games Awards 2020 nominations
- Control and Death Stranding nominated for 11 BAFTAs each: Hideo Kojima to receive Fellowship as Death Stranding ties for most nominations in BAFTA Game Award history
- Hideo Kojima to receive BAFTA Fellowship: BAFTA’s highest honour will be given to Metal Gear Solid’s creator at the Games Awards on April 2, 2020
- Konami Code creator Kazuhisa Hashimoto has died: Publisher pays tribute to former programmer and producer
- Erica dev Flavourworks nets $650,000 to further develop tactile FMV tech
- Valve: Half-Life: Alyx is “not the end” of the franchise
- Ten minutes of Half-Life: Alyx: The biggest VR goosebumps we’ve ever had
- Half-Life’s mechanics are a ‘surprisingly natural fit for VR’ says Valve
- VR 2020 — can Sony’s PlayStation catch PC in the virtual reality game?